Homemade Bread Crumbs
Time to Prepare : 10 Mins
Quantity : 6-8 bread slices
Uses : For cutlets,Kebabs etc.
When it comes to packaged food, I prefer preparing it myself at home.
Here is an easy recipe to prepare bread crumbs at home.
If you have a popup toaster, prepare bread toasts that are evenly baked all over.
Let them cool.
Make rough pieces of baked bread, grind it in food processor/Grinder and there you go.
You can also bake breads in Oven -
Preheat oven at 180 deg C for 8 mins.
Place breads in baking tray and bake 5-6 mins or until they dry up.
Let them cool.
Break baked breads into pieces and grind them.
You can use Griddle for baking breads.
Simmer down heat and place bread pieces onto griddle.
Turn the pieces over until they are evenly baked.
Once baked, let them cool and then Grind using grinder or food processor.
After cooling the crumbs, store it in airtight container , keep it in refrigerator.
If you want to try some different mouth watering recipes using bread crumbs,