Monday, November 3, 2014

Old wooden table makeover –To a Coffee Table

From this -

To this -

Hello Friends,

Here is a tutorial to revamp your useless furniture .Here I experimented using some leftover vinyl sheet as top of table.

  • ·         Vinyl Sheet  or Wallpaper
  • ·         Adhesive
  • ·         Colored Drawing Pins
  • ·         Paint

I cleaned the surface of table first and once it was dry, I measured the surface and cut the sheet accordingly. As it was a leftover piece of sheet, it did not provide full coverage to the table ,so I used 2 pieces for top.

Applied adhesive on full surface and placed the sheet carefully onto it. It needs to be pressed for atleast 45 minutes so that sheet does not come off and sticks to the table properly. Then I pinned the table using drawing pins.

For sides of table –I colored the base with off white paint and after it dried, I cut some square pieces of sheet and stick them onto table in a pattern as shown in image.

Here is the result (and yes, I did not spend a buck on it... used leftover paint and sheet. :) )